Villeray Ultra Bold ItalicVersion 1.100; ttfautohint (v1.5) Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 1106 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 space
2 A A
3 Á Aacute
4 Ă Abreve
5 uni1EAE
6 uni1EB6
7 uni1EB0
8 uni1EB2
9 uni1EB4
10 Ǎ uni01CD
11 Â Acircumflex
12 uni1EA4
13 uni1EAC
14 uni1EA6
15 uni1EA8
16 uni1EAA
17 Ȁ uni0200
18 Ä Adieresis
19 uni1EA0
20 À Agrave
21 uni1EA2
22 Ȃ uni0202
23 Ā Amacron
24 Ą Aogonek
25 Å Aring
26 Ǻ Aringacute
27 Ã Atilde
28 Æ AE
29 Ǽ AEacute
30 B B
31 C C
32 Ć Cacute
33 Č Ccaron
34 Ç Ccedilla
35 Ĉ Ccircumflex
36 Ċ Cdotaccent
37 D D
38 DZ uni01F1
39 DŽ uni01C4
40 Ð Eth
41 Ď Dcaron
42 Đ Dcroat
43 uni1E0C
44 Dz uni01F2
45 Dž uni01C5
46 E E
47 É Eacute
48 Ĕ Ebreve
49 Ě Ecaron
50 Ê Ecircumflex
51 uni1EBE
52 uni1EC6
53 uni1EC0
54 uni1EC2
55 uni1EC4
56 Ȅ uni0204
57 Ë Edieresis
58 Ė Edotaccent
59 uni1EB8
60 È Egrave
61 uni1EBA
62 Ȇ uni0206
63 Ē Emacron
64 Ę Eogonek
65 uni1EBC
66 F F
67 G G
68 Ǵ uni01F4
69 Ğ Gbreve
70 Ǧ Gcaron
71 Ĝ Gcircumflex
72 Ģ Gcommaaccent
73 Ġ Gdotaccent
74 Gtilde
75 H H
76 Ħ Hbar
77 Ȟ uni021E
78 Ĥ Hcircumflex
79 uni1E24
80 I I
81 IJ IJ
82 Í Iacute
83 Ĭ Ibreve
84 Ǐ uni01CF
85 Î Icircumflex
86 Ȉ uni0208
87 Ï Idieresis
88 İ Idot
89 uni1ECA
90 Ì Igrave
91 uni1EC8
92 Ȋ uni020A
93 Ī Imacron
94 Į Iogonek
95 Ĩ Itilde
96 J J
97 Jacute
98 Ĵ Jcircumflex
99 K K
100 Ķ Kcommaaccent
101 L L
102 LJ uni01C7
103 Ĺ Lacute
104 Ľ Lcaron
105 Ļ Lcommaaccent
106 Ŀ Ldot
107 Lj uni01C8
108 Ł Lslash
109 M M
110 N N
111 NJ uni01CA
112 Ń Nacute
113 Ň Ncaron
114 Ņ Ncommaaccent
115 uni1E44
116 Ŋ Eng
117 Ɲ uni019D
118 Nj uni01CB
119 Ñ Ntilde
120 O O
121 Ó Oacute
122 Ŏ Obreve
123 Ǒ uni01D1
124 Ô Ocircumflex
125 uni1ED0
126 uni1ED8
127 uni1ED2
128 uni1ED4
129 uni1ED6
130 Ȍ uni020C
131 Ö Odieresis
132 uni1ECC
133 Ò Ograve
134 uni1ECE
135 Ơ Ohorn
136 uni1EDA
137 uni1EE2
138 uni1EDC
139 uni1EDE
140 uni1EE0
141 Ő Ohungarumlaut
142 Ȏ uni020E
143 Ō Omacron
144 Ǫ uni01EA
145 Ø Oslash
146 Ǿ Oslashacute
147 Õ Otilde
148 Œ OE
149 P P
150 Þ Thorn
151 Q Q
152 R R
153 Ŕ Racute
154 Ř Rcaron
155 Ŗ Rcommaaccent
156 Ȑ uni0210
157 uni1E5A
158 Ȓ uni0212
159 S S
160 Ś Sacute
161 Š Scaron
162 Ş Scedilla
163 Ŝ Scircumflex
164 Ș Scommaaccent
165 uni1E62
166 uni1E9E
167 Ə uni018F
168 T T
169 Ŧ Tbar
170 Ť Tcaron
171 Ţ uni0162
172 Ț uni021A
173 uni1E6C
174 U U
175 Ú Uacute
176 Ŭ Ubreve
177 Ǔ uni01D3
178 Û Ucircumflex
179 Ȕ uni0214
180 Ü Udieresis
181 Ǘ uni01D7
182 Ǚ uni01D9
183 Ǜ uni01DB
184 Ǖ uni01D5
185 uni1EE4
186 Ù Ugrave
187 uni1EE6
188 Ư Uhorn
189 uni1EE8
190 uni1EF0
191 uni1EEA
192 uni1EEC
193 uni1EEE
194 Ű Uhungarumlaut
195 Ȗ uni0216
196 Ū Umacron
197 Ų Uogonek
198 Ů Uring
199 Ũ Utilde