Border Pi 1515-9001.000 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 86 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 emspace
3   space
4 ! L55898
5 $ L55898a
6 % L50076
7 & L50077
8 ' L55895
9 ( L50078
10 ) L50076a
11 , L55893
12 - L55899
13 . L50079
14 / L50079a
15 0 L50076b
16 1 L50078a
17 2 L50076c
18 3 L50079b
19 4 L55889
20 5 L55894
21 6 L55892
22 7 L55276
23 8 L55898b
24 9 L55900
25 : L55890
26 ; L55275
27 = enspace
28 ? L55891
29 A L50066
30 B L50067
31 C L50069
32 D L50071
33 E L50068
34 F L50070
35 G L50056
36 H L50057
37 I L50058
38 J L50059
39 K L50060
40 L L50063
41 M L50061
42 N L50062
43 O L53868
44 P L53869
45 Q L53870
46 R L53871
47 S L53873
48 T L53877
49 U L53872
50 V L53876
51 W L50074
52 X L50075
53 Y L50072
54 Z L50073
55 _ thinspace
56 ` L55897
57 a L50049
58 b L50050
59 c L50051
60 d L50048
61 e L50055
62 f L50053
63 g L50054
64 h L50052
65 i L53752
66 j L53753
67 k L53751
68 l L53754
69 m L53756
70 n L57094
71 o L53755
72 p L57093
73 q L50088
74 r L50089
75 s L50091
76 t L50090
77 u L50092
78 v L50095
79 w L50093
80 x L50094
81 y L50064
82 z L50065
83 ¢ L55900a
84 ± L55277
85 Ð L55896