CaseStudyNoOne LT Black Italic AlternateVersion 1.0 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 103 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 space
4 comma
5 hyphenminus
6 period
7 slash
8 zero
9 one
10 two
11 three
12 four
13 five
14 six
15 seven
16 eight
17 nine
18 colon
19 semicolon
20 less
21 equal
22 greater
23 at
24 A
25 B
26 C
27 D
28 E
29 F
30 G
31 H
32 I
33 J
34 K
35 L
36 M
37 N
38 O
39 P
40 Q
41 R
42 S
43 T
44 V
45 W
46 X
47 Y
48 Z
49 bracketleft
50 backslash
51 bracketright
52 asciicircum
53 grave
54 c
55 d
56 e
57 f
58 g
59 h
60 i
61 j
62 k
63 l
64 m
65 n
66 o
67 p
68 q
69 r
70 s
71 t
72 u
73 v
74 w
75 x
76 y
77 z
78 braceleft
79 bar
80 braceright
81 asciitilde
82 bullet
83 nbspace
84 logicalnot
85 hyphen
86 mu
87 periodcentered
88 Agrave
89 Aacute
90 Acircumflex
91 Atilde
92 Adieresis
93 Aring
94 AE
95 Ccedilla
96 Egrave
97 Eacute
98 Ecircumflex
99 Ntilde
100 agrave
101 aacute
102 divide