ITCStoneSerifPhoneticAlternateVersion 1.00 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 166 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 space
2 lowrising
3 umlaut
4 macron
5 breve
6 archsuperscript
7 highrising
8 halfringleftsubscript
9 halfringrightsubscript
10 ring
11 plus
12 comma
13 hyphen
14 periodcentered
15 slash
16 laminal
17 grave
18 schwarighthook
19 umlautsubscript
20 underbar
21 thinspace
22 wedgesubscript
23 archsubscript
24 underring
25 bridgesubscript
26 colon
27 semicolon
28 retractedsubscript
29 equalsuperscript
30 advancedsubscript
31 glottalstopsuperscript
32 schwasuperscript
33 ascriptturnedsuper
34 cstretched
35 dyoghlig
36 epsilonrighthook
37 ascendermacron
38 hturnulhookrighttl
39 iundotted
40 eshrevtoploop
41 turnedcomma
42 rfishhookreversed
43 Rsmallturnedsuper
44 ssuperscript
45 teshlig
46 Usmall
47 up
48 closedomega
49 asterisk
50 bracketleft
51 spreadlips
52 bracketright
53 wedge
54 minus
55 subtilde
56 bcrossed
57 cwedge
58 dcrossed
59 ereversed
60 fscript
61 descendertilde
62 hturnedulhook
63 iota
64 jwedge
65 kturned
66 lambda
67 msuperscript
68 nlongrightleg
69 sigma
70 thorn
71 rlongleg
72 rsuperscript
73 swedge
74 tturned
75 down
76 omega
77 cedilla
78 ysuperscript
79 zwedge
80 roundedlips
81 tilde
82 acute
83 lowfalling
84 descenderumlaut
85 descendermacron
86 ascenderbreve
87 ascenderarch
88 highfalling
89 halfringleftsuperscript
90 halfringrightsuperscript
91 ascenderring
92 plussubscript
93 syllabicitymark
94 hbar
95 dotaccent
96 glottalstopinverted
97 zerosuperior
98 onesuperior
99 twosuperior
100 threesuperior
101 foursuperior
102 fivesuperior
103 sixsuperior
104 sevensuperior
105 eightsuperior
106 ninesuperior
107 descenderring
108 bridgeinvsubscript
109 loweringsubscript
110 underdot
111 raisingsubscript
112 glottalinvcrossed
113 null
114 ascriptrighthook
115 oopenrighthook
116 delta
117 epsilonrevrighthook
118 descenderarch
119 hturnedsuperscript
120 palatizationhook
121 palathook2
122 loweringsign
123 circumflex
124 raisingsign
125 overglottalstop
126 rfishrevrighttail
127 rfishrevlongleg
128 rturnedrighttlsuper
129 spalat
130 righthook
131 descenderwedge
132 left
133 wsubscript
134 crosssuperscript
135 yoghcurlytail
136 turnedcorner
137 bottomlig
138 corner
139 descenderdot
140 dash
141 midtilde
142 alpha
143 cent
144 dcurlytail
145 epsilonrevclosed
146 seagullsubscript
147 hhooktopsuperscript
148 hvlig
149 jundotted
150 Ksmallreversed
151 lambdacrossed
152 ncurlytail
153 overglottalstoprev
154 pi
155 rrighttailsuper
156 rturnedsuperscript
157 eshcurlytail
158 tcurlytail
159 circumflexsubscript
160 right
161 omegainverted
162 polishhook
163 righttail
164 yoghbenttail
165 twocrossed