Kammer Diet Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 60 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 space
4 .notdef
5 ! exclam
6 " quotedbl
7 ' quotesingle
8 ( parenleft
9 ) parenright
10 * asterisk
11 + plus
12 , comma
13 hyphen
14 . period
15 / slash
16 0 zero
17 1 one
18 2 two
19 3 three
20 4 four
21 5 five
22 6 six
23 7 seven
24 8 eight
25 9 nine
26 : colon
27 ; semicolon
28 < less
29 = equal
30 > greater
31 ? question
32 \ backslash
33 א alef
34 ב bet
35 ג gimel
36 ד dalet
37 ה he
38 ו vav
39 ז zayin
40 ח het
41 ט tet
42 י yod
43 ך kaffinal
44 כ kaf
45 ל lamed
46 ם memfinal
47 מ mem
48 ן nunfinal
49 נ nun
50 ס samekh
51 ע ayin
52 ף pefinal
53 פ pe
54 ץ tsadifinal
55 צ tsadi
56 ק qof
57 ר resh
58 ש shin
59 ת tav