Lucida Bright Math Extension1.000; 30 October 1991 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 208 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .notdef
2 .notdef
3 space
4 parenleftbig
5 parenrightbig
6 bracketleftbig
7 bracketrightbig
8 floorleftbig
9 floorrightbig
10 ceilingleftbig
11 ceilingrightbig
12 braceleftbig
13 bracerightbig
14 angbracketleftbig
15 angbracketrightbig
16 vextendsingle
17 vextenddouble
18 slashbig
19 backslashbig
20 parenleftBig
21 parenrightBig
22 parenleftbigg
23 parenrightbigg
24 bracketleftbigg
25 bracketrightbigg
26 floorleftbigg
27 floorrightbigg
28 ceilingleftbigg
29 ceilingrightbigg
30 braceleftbigg
31 bracerightbigg
32 angbracketleftbigg
33 angbracktrightbigg
34 slashbigg
35 backslashbigg
36 parenleftBigg
37 parenrightBigg
38 bracketleftBigg
39 bracketrightBigg
40 floorleftBigg
41 floorrightBigg
42 ceilingleftBigg
43 ceilingrightBigg
44 braceleftBigg
45 bracerightBigg
46 angbracketleftBigg
47 angbracktrightBigg
48 slashBigg
49 backslashBigg
50 slashBig
51 backslashBig
52 parenlefttp
53 parenrighttp
54 bracketlefttp
55 bracketrighttp
56 bracketleftbt
57 bracketrightbt
58 bracketleftex
59 bracketrightex
60 bracelefttp
61 bracerighttp
62 braceleftbt
63 bracerightbt
64 braceleftmid
65 bracerightmid
66 braceex
67 arrowvertex
68 parenleftbt
69 parenrightbt
70 parenleftex
71 parenrightex
72 angbracketleftBig
73 angbracketrightBig
74 unionsqtext
75 unionsqdisplay
76 contintegraltext
77 contintegrldisplay
78 circledottext
79 circledotdisplay
80 circleplustext
81 circleplusdisplay
82 circlemultiplytext
83 circlemultdisplay
84 summationtext
85 producttext
86 integraltext
87 uniontext
88 intersectiontext
89 unionmultitext
90 logicalandtext
91 logicalortext
92 summationdisplay
93 productdisplay
94 integraldisplay
95 uniondisplay
96 intersectiodisplay
97 unionmultidisplay
98 logicalanddisplay
99 logicalordisplay
100 coproducttext
101 coproductdisplay
102 hatwide
103 hatwider
104 hatwidest
105 tildewide
106 tildewider
107 tildewidest
108 bracketleftBig
109 bracketrightBig
110 floorleftBig
111 floorrightBig
112 ceilingleftBig
113 ceilingrightBig
114 braceleftBig
115 bracerightBig
116 radicalbig
117 radicalBig
118 radicalbigg
119 radicalBigg
120 radicalbt
121 radicalvertex
122 radicaltp
123 arrowvertexdbl
124 arrowtp
125 arrowbt
126 bracehtipdownleft
127 bracehtipdownright
128 bracehtipupleft
129 bracehtipupright
130 arrowdbltp
131 arrowdblbt
132 openbrackleftbig
133 openbrackrtbig
134 openbrackleftBig
135 openbrackrtBig
136 openbrackleftbigg
137 openbrackrtbigg
138 openbrackleftBigg
139 openbrackrtBigg
140 notless
141 notgreater
142 notequal
143 notlessequal
144 notgreaterequal
145 notequivalent
146 notasymptequal
147 notsubset
148 notsuperset
149 notalmostequal
150 notapproxequal
151 notsubsetsqequal
152 notsupersetsqequal
153 notlessequal1
154 notgreaterequal1
155 notlessdblequal
156 notgreatrdblequal
157 lessnotequal
158 greaternotequal
159 lessnotdblequal
160 greaternotdblequal
161 lessnotequivlnt
162 greatrnotequivlnt
163 lessnotdbleqvlnt
164 greatrnotdbleqvlnt
165 notpreceeds
166 notsucceeds
167 notpreceedsequal
168 notsucceedsequal
169 preceedsnotequal
170 succeedsnotequal
171 preceednotequivlnt
172 succeednotequivlnt
173 preceednotdblequiv
174 succeednotdblequiv
175 notsimilar
176 notshortbar
177 notshortparallel
178 notbar
179 notparallel
180 notprove
181 notsatisfy
182 notforce
183 notdblrighttack
184 nottriangleleft
185 nottriangleright
186 nottriangeqeft
187 nottriangeqright
188 notsubsetequal
189 notsupersetequal
190 notsubsetdblequal
191 notsuprsetdblequal
192 subsetnotequal
193 supersetnotequal
194 subsetnotdblequal
195 supersetnotdblequl
196 notequivasympt
197 notlessequivlnt
198 notgreatrequivlnt
199 notlessgreater