Lucida Bright Math Symbol1.000; 30 October 1991 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 226 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .notdef
2 .notdef
3 space
4 plus
5 equal
6 minus
7 periodcentered
8 multiply
9 asteriskmath
10 divide
11 diamondmath
12 plusminus
13 minusplus
14 circleplus
15 circleminus
16 circlemultiply
17 circledivide
18 circledot
19 circlecopyrt
20 openbullet
21 bullet
22 equivasymptotic
23 equivalence
24 reflexsubset
25 reflexsuperset
26 lessequal
27 greaterequal
28 precedesequal
29 followsequal
30 similar
31 approxequal
32 propersubset
33 propersuperset
34 lessmuch
35 greatermuch
36 precedes
37 follows
38 arrowleft
39 arrowright
40 arrowup
41 arrowdown
42 arrowboth
43 arrownortheast
44 arrowsoutheast
45 similarequal
46 arrowdblleft
47 arrowdblright
48 arrowdblup
49 arrowdbldown
50 arrowdblboth
51 arrownorthwest
52 arrowsouthwest
53 proportional
54 prime
55 infinity
56 element
57 owner
58 triangle
59 triangleinv
60 negationslash
61 mapsto
62 universal
63 existential
64 logicalnot
65 emptyset
66 Rfractur
67 Ifractur
68 latticetop
69 perpendicular
70 aleph
71 A
72 B
73 C
74 D
75 E
76 F
77 G
78 H
79 I
80 J
81 K
82 L
83 M
84 N
85 O
86 P
87 Q
88 R
89 S
90 T
91 U
92 V
93 W
94 X
95 Y
96 Z
97 union
98 intersection
99 unionmulti
100 logicaland
101 logicalor
102 turnstileleft
103 turnstileright
104 floorleft
105 floorright
106 ceilingleft
107 ceilingright
108 braceleft
109 braceright
110 angbracketleft
111 angbracketright
112 bar
113 bardbl
114 arrowbothv
115 arrowdblbothv
116 backslash
117 wreathproduct
118 radical
119 coproduct
120 nabla
121 integral
122 unionsq
123 intersectionsq
124 subsetsqequal
125 supersetsqequal
126 section
127 dagger
128 daggerdbl
129 paragraph
130 club
131 diamond
132 heart
133 spade
134 radicalext
135 complement
136 increment
137 element
138 contains
139 product
140 summation
141 dotplus
142 rightangle
143 angle
144 measuredangle
145 sphericalangle
146 integraldbl
147 integraltrpl
148 therefore
149 because
150 vertellipsis
151 proportion
152 dotminus
153 excess
154 geomproportion
155 homothetic
156 lazys
157 lazysinv
158 sine
159 minustilde
160 asymptequal
161 approxequal
162 almostequal
163 almostorequal
164 tildetrpl
165 allequal
166 geomequivalent
167 difference
168 approachlimit
169 geomequal
170 approxequalorimage
171 imageorapproxequal
172 colonequal
173 equalcolon
174 ringinequal
175 ringequal
176 corresponds
177 estimates
178 equiangular
179 perspcorrespond
180 deltaequal
181 definequal
182 measurequal
183 questionequal
184 strictequivalence
185 lessdblequal
186 greaterdblequal
187 lessequivalent
188 greatrequivlnt
189 lessorgreater
190 greaterorless
191 precedequivlnt
192 succeedequivlnt
193 multiset
194 multiplymultiset
195 squareimage
196 squareoriginal
197 circlering
198 circleasterisk
199 circleequal