Lucida Icons1.004; 18 November 1991 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 226 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .notdef
2 .notdef
3 space
4 pencil
5 penballpoint
6 penfountain
7 brush
8 crayon
9 scissors
10 scissorsoutline
11 scissorschilds
12 scissorscutting
13 readingglasses
14 bell
15 book
16 candle
17 telephonesolid
18 telephone
19 telhandset
20 telhandsetcirc
21 envelopeback
22 envelopefront
23 mailboxflagdwn
24 mailboxflagup
25 mailbxopnflgup
26 mailbxopnflgdwn
27 folder
28 folderopen
29 file1
30 file
31 file3
32 filetext1
33 filetext
34 filetext3
35 filetall1
36 filetall
37 filetall3
38 filetalltext1
39 filetalltext
40 filetalltext3
41 filecabinet
42 clipboard
43 trashcan
44 hourglass
45 window
46 keyboard
47 mouse2button
48 ballpoint
49 monitor
50 pc
51 harddisk
52 printer
53 fax
54 floppy3
55 floppy5
56 cd
57 tapereel
58 tapecartridge
59 mouse1button
60 mouse3button
61 handwrite
62 handwriteleft 61
63 handv
64 handok
65 thumbup
66 thumbdown 65
67 thumbbackup
68 thumbbackdwn 67
69 handptlft1
70 handptrt1 69
71 handptlftsld1
72 handptrtsld1 71
73 handptleft
74 handptright 73
75 handbckptleft
76 handbckptright
77 handptlftsld
78 handptrtsld
79 handptup1 69
80 handptdwn1 69
81 handptupsld1 71
82 handptdwnsld1 71
83 handptup 73
84 handptdwn 73
85 handbckptup 76
86 handbckptdwn 76
87 handptupsld 78
88 handptdwnsld 78
89 handhalt
90 handspreadback
91 smileface
92 neutralface
93 frownface
94 bomb
95 skullcrossbones
96 flag
97 pennant
98 airplane
99 sunshine
100 droplet
101 snowflake
102 xmark
103 xmarkbld
104 check
105 checkbld
106 boxxmark
107 boxxmarkbld
108 boxcheck
109 boxcheckbld
110 boxx
111 boxxbld
112 circlex
113 circlexbld
114 prohibit
115 prohibitbld
116 cross
117 crossbld
118 crossoutline
119 crossshadow
120 crossceltic
121 crossmaltese
122 starofdavid
123 crescentstar
124 yinyang
125 om
126 wheel
127 sun
128 moonfirstqrtr
129 moonfull
130 moonlastqrtr
131 aries
132 taurus
133 gemini
134 cancer
135 leo
136 virgo
137 libra
138 scorpio
139 saggitarius
140 capricorn
141 aquarius
142 pisces
143 capitulum
144 ampersanditlc
145 ampersanditlcdm
146 ampersandit
147 ampersandbld
148 ampersandsans
149 ampersandsandm
150 quotedbllftbld
151 quotedblrtbld
152 interrobang
153 interrobangdm
154 interrobangsans
155 interrobngsandm
156 rosette
157 rosettesolid
158 budleafne
159 budleafnw 158
160 budleafsw
161 budleafse 160
162 budleafboldne
163 budleafboldnw 162
164 budleafboldsw
165 budleafboldse 164
166 vineleafne
167 vineleafnw 166
168 vineleafsw
169 vineleafse 168
170 vineleafboldne
171 vineleafboldnw 170
172 vineleafboldsw
173 vineleafboldse 172
174 leafccwsw
175 leafccwnw 174
176 leafccwse 174
177 leafccwne 174
178 leafnw
179 leafsw 178
180 leafne 178
181 leafse 178
182 zero
183 one
184 two
185 three
186 four
187 five
188 six
189 seven
190 eight
191 nine
192 ten
193 zeroinv
194 oneinv
195 twoinv
196 threeinv
197 fourinv
198 fiveinv
199 sixinv