Marie Clairie DsplVersion 1.001;Fontself Maker 3.5.6 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 86 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 LF
4 controlCR
5 space
6 ! exclam
7 quotedbl
8 # numbersign
9 $ dollar
10 % percent
11 & ampersand
12 ' quotesingle
13 ( parenleft
14 ) parenright
15 * asterisk
16 + plus
17 , comma
18 - hyphen
19 . period
20 / slash
21 0 zero
22 1 one
23 2 two
24 3 three
25 4 four
26 5 five
27 6 six
28 7 seven
29 8 eight
30 9 nine
31 : colon
32 ; semicolon
33 < less
34 = equal
35 > greater
36 ? question
37 @ at
38 å a
39 b b
40 ç c
41 d d
42 ë e
43 f f
44 g g
45 h h
46 ï i
47 j j
48 k k
49 l l
50 m m
51 ñ n
52 ø o
53 p p
54 q q
55 r r
56 s s
57 t t
58 ü u
59 v v
60 w w
61 x x
62 Ÿ y
63 z z
64 [ bracketleft
65 \ backslash
66 ] bracketright
67 ^ asciicircum
68 { braceleft
69 | verticalbar
70 } braceright
71 ~ asciitilde
72   nbspace
73 © copyright
74 ­ softhyphen
75 ® registered
76 ± plusminus
77 × multiply
78 ÷ divide
79 quoteleft
80 quoteright
81 perthousand
82 trademark
83 notequal
84 lessequal
85 greaterequal