Marquee RegularThe IMSI MasterFonts Collection, tm 1995 IMSI Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 232 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 space
4 ! exclam
5 " quotedbl
6 # numbersign
7 $ dollar
8 % percent
9 & ampersand
10 ' quotesingle
11 ( parenleft
12 ) parenright
13 * asterisk
14 + plus
15 , comma
16 - hyphen
17 . period
18 / slash
19 0 zero
20 1 one
21 2 two
22 3 three
23 4 four
24 5 five
25 6 six
26 7 seven
27 8 eight
28 9 nine
29 : colon
30 ; semicolon
31 < less
32 = equal
33 > greater
34 ? question
35 @ at
36 A A
37 B B
38 C C
39 D D
40 E E
41 F F
42 G G
43 H H
44 I I
45 J J
46 K K
47 L L
48 M M
49 N N
50 O O
51 P P
52 Q Q
53 R R
54 S S
55 T T
56 U U
57 V V
58 W W
59 X X
60 Y Y
61 Z Z
62 [ bracketleft
63 \ backslash
64 ] bracketright
65 ^ asciicircum
66 _ underscore
67 ` grave
68 a a
69 b b
70 c c
71 d d
72 e e
73 f f
74 g g
75 h h
76 i i
77 j j
78 k k
79 l l
80 m m
81 n n
82 o o
83 p p
84 q q
85 r r
86 s s
87 t t
88 u u
89 v v
90 w w
91 x x
92 y y
93 z z
94 { braceleft
95 | bar
96 } braceright
97 ~ asciitilde
98 Ä Adieresis 36 142
99 Å Aring
100 Ç Ccedilla
101 É Eacute 40 141
102 Ñ Ntilde 49 202
103 Ö Odieresis 50 142
104 Ü Udieresis 56 142
105 á aacute 68 141
106 à agrave 68 67
107 â acircumflex 68 201
108 ä adieresis 68 142
109 ã atilde 68 202
110 å aring
111 ç ccedilla
112 é eacute 72 141
113 è egrave 72 67
114 ê ecircumflex 72 201
115 ë edieresis 72 142
116 í iacute 200 141
117 ì igrave 200 67
118 î icircumflex 200 201
119 ï idieresis 200 142
120 ñ ntilde 81 202
121 ó oacute 82 141
122 ò ograve 82 67
123 ô ocircumflex 82 201
124 ö odieresis 82 142
125 õ otilde 82 202
126 ú uacute 88 141
127 ù ugrave 88 67
128 û ucircumflex 88 201
129 ü udieresis 88 142
130 dagger
131 ° degree
132 ¢ cent
133 £ sterling
134 § section
135 bullet
136 paragraph
137 ß germandbls
138 ® registered
139 © copyright
140 trademark
141 ´ acute
142 ¨ dieresis
143 Æ AE
144 Ø Oslash
145 ± plusminus
146 ¥ yen
147 µ mu
148 ª ordfeminine
149 º ordmasculine
150 æ ae
151 ø oslash
152 ¿ questiondown
153 ¡ exclamdown
154 ¬ logicalnot
155 ƒ florin
156 « guillemotleft
157 » guillemotright
158 ellipsis
159   nbspace 36 67
160 À Agrave 36 67
161 Ã Atilde 36 202
162 Õ Otilde 50 202
163 Œ OE
164 œ oe
165 endash
166 emdash
167 quotedblleft
168 quotedblright
169 quoteleft
170 quoteright
171 ÷ divide
172 ÿ ydieresis 92 142
173 Ÿ Ydieresis 60 142
174 fraction
175 ¤ currency
176 guilsinglleft
177 guilsinglright
178 fi
179 fl
180 daggerdbl
181 periodcentered
182 quotesinglbase
183 quotedblbase
184 perthousand
185 Â Acircumflex 36 201
186 Ê Ecircumflex 40 201
187 Á Aacute 36 141
188 Ë Edieresis 40 142
189 È Egrave 40 67
190 Í Iacute 44 141
191 Î Icircumflex 44 201
192 Ï Idieresis 44 142
193 Ì Igrave 44 67
194 Ó Oacute 50 141
195 Ô Ocircumflex 50 201
196 Ò Ograve 50 67
197 Ú Uacute 56 141
198 Û Ucircumflex 56 201
199 Ù Ugrave 56 67