Modernia RegularVersion 1.001;hotconv 1.0.109;makeotfexe 2.5.65596 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 87 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 space
4 0 zero
5 1 one
6 2 two
7 3 three
8 4 four
9 5 five
10 6 six
11 7 seven
12 8 eight
13 9 nine
14 a A
15 b B
16 c C
17 d D
18 e E
19 f F
20 g G
21 h H
22 i I
23 j J
24 k K
25 l L
26 m M
27 n N
28 o O
29 p P
30 q Q
31 r R
32 s S
33 t T
34 u U
35 v V
36 w W
37 x X
38 y Y
39 z Z
40 à Agrave
41 á Aacute
42 â Acircumflex
43 ã Atilde
44 ä Adieresis
45 å Aring
46 æ AE
47 ç Ccedilla
48 è Egrave
49 é Eacute
50 ê Ecircumflex
51 ë Edieresis
52 ì Igrave
53 í Iacute
54 î Icircumflex
55 ï Idieresis
56 ð Eth
57 ñ Ntilde
58 ò Ograve
59 ó Oacute
60 ô Ocircumflex
61 õ Otilde
62 ö Odieresis
63 ø Oslash
64 ù Ugrave
65 ú Uacute
66 û Ucircumflex
67 ü Udieresis
68 ý Yacute
69 þ Thorn
70 uni1E9E
71 Ÿ Ydieresis
72 œ OE
73 ŵ Wcircumflex
74 ŷ Ycircumflex
75 ̀ gravecomb
76 ́ acutecomb
77 ̂ uni0302
78 ̃ tildecomb
79 ̇ uni0307
80 ̈ uni0308
81 ̊ uni030A
82 ̧ uni0327
83 Wgrave
84 Wacute
85 Wdieresis
86 Ygrave