Mona-Sans SemiBold ItalicVersion 2.000 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 356 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
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0 .notdef
1 A A
2 Á Aacute 1 328 338
3 Â Acircumflex 1 329 340
4 Ä Adieresis 1 325 335
5 À Agrave 1 327 337
6 Å Aring 1 330 343
7 Ã Atilde 1 331 344
8 Æ AE
9 B B
10 C C
11 Ç Ccedilla 10 332 346
12 D D
13 Ð Eth
14 E E
15 É Eacute 14 328 338
16 Ê Ecircumflex 14 329 340
17 Ë Edieresis 14 325 335
18 È Egrave 14 327 337
19 F F
20 G G
21 H H
22 I I
23 Í Iacute 22 328 338
24 Î Icircumflex 22 329 340
25 Ï Idieresis 22 325 335
26 Ì Igrave 22 327 337
27 J J
28 K K
29 L L
30 M M
31 N N
32 Ñ Ntilde 31 331 344
33 O O
34 Ó Oacute 33 328 338
35 Ô Ocircumflex 33 329 340
36 Ö Odieresis 33 325 335
37 Ò Ograve 33 327 337
38 Ø Oslash 33 334
39 Õ Otilde 33 331 344
40 Œ OE
41 P P
42 Þ Thorn
43 Q Q
44 R R
45 S S
46 uni1E9E
47 T T
48 U U
49 Ú Uacute 48 328 338
50 Û Ucircumflex 48 329 340
51 Ü Udieresis 48 325 335
52 Ù Ugrave 48 327 337
53 V V
54 W W
55 Wacute 54 328 338
56 Ŵ Wcircumflex 54 329 340
57 Wdieresis 54 325 335
58 Wgrave 54 327 337
59 X X
60 Y Y
61 Ý Yacute 60
62 Ŷ Ycircumflex 60
63 Ÿ Ydieresis 60
64 Ygrave 60
65 Z Z
66 G.ss01
67 a a
68 á aacute 67 328 338
69 â acircumflex 67 329 340
70 ä adieresis 67 325 335
71 à agrave 67 327 337
72 å aring 67 330 343
73 ã atilde 67 331 344
74 æ ae
75 b b
76 c c
77 ç ccedilla 76 332 346
78 d d
79 e e
80 é eacute 352 328 338
81 ê ecircumflex 352 329 340
82 ë edieresis 352 325 335
83 è egrave 352 327 337
84 f f
85 g g
86 h h
87 i i
88 ı dotlessi
89 í iacute 88 328 338
90 î icircumflex 88 329 340
91 ï idieresis 88 325 335
92 ì igrave 88 327 337
93 j j
94 k k
95 l l
96 m m
97 n n
98 ñ ntilde 97
99 o o
100 ó oacute 99 328 338
101 ô ocircumflex 99 329 340
102 ö odieresis 99 325 335
103 ò ograve 99 327 337
104 ø oslash 99 333
105 õ otilde 99 331 344
106 œ oe 99 352
107 p p
108 þ thorn
109 q q
110 r r
111 s s
112 ß germandbls
113 t t
114 u u
115 ú uacute 114 328 338
116 û ucircumflex 114 329 340
117 ü udieresis 114 325 335
118 ù ugrave 114 327 337
119 v v
120 w w
121 wacute 355 328 338
122 ŵ wcircumflex 355 329 340
123 wdieresis 355 325 335
124 wgrave 355 327 337
125 x x
126 y y
127 ý yacute 126 328 338
128 ŷ ycircumflex 126 329 340
129 ÿ ydieresis 126 325 335
130 ygrave 126 327 337
131 z z
132 a.ss01
133 g.ss01
134 fl
135 f_f.liga
136 t_t.liga
137 ª ordfeminine
138 º ordmasculine
139 μ uni03BC
140 π pi
141 0 zero
142 1 one
143 2 two
144 3 three
145 4 four
146 5 five
147 6 six
148 7 seven
149 8 eight
150 9 nine
151 uni2780
152 uni2781
153 uni2782
154 uni2783
155 uni2784
156 uni2785
157 uni2786
158 uni2787
159 uni2788
160 uni2776
161 uni2777
162 uni2778
163 uni2779
164 uni277A
165 uni277B
166 uni277C
167 uni277D
168 uni277E
180 uni2080
181 uni2081
182 uni2082
183 uni2083
184 uni2084
185 uni2085
186 uni2086
187 uni2087
188 uni2088
189 uni2089
190 zero.dnom
191 one.dnom
192 two.dnom
193 three.dnom
194 four.dnom
195 five.dnom
196 six.dnom
197 seven.dnom
198 eight.dnom
199 nine.dnom