Perpetua Expert ItalicVersion 1 - May 2001 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 90 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 space
4 .notdef
5 dollaroldstyle
6 dollarsuperior
7 parenleftsuperior
8 parenrightsuperior
9 twodotenleader
10 onedotenleader
11 comma
12 hyphen
13 period
14 fraction
15 zerooldstyle
16 oneoldstyle
17 twooldstyle
18 threeoldstyle
19 fouroldstyle
20 fiveoldstyle
21 sixoldstyle
22 sevenoldstyle
23 eightoldstyle
24 nineoldstyle
25 colon
26 semicolon
27 commasuperior
28 threequartersemdash
29 periodsuperior
30 asuperior
31 bsuperior
32 centsuperior
33 dsuperior
34 esuperior
35 isuperior
36 lsuperior
37 msuperior
38 nsuperior
39 osuperior
40 rsuperior
41 ssuperior
42 tsuperior
43 ff
44 fi
45 fl
46 ffi
47 ffl
48 parenleftinferior
49 parenrightinferior
50 hyphensuperior
51 colonmonetary
52 onefitted
53 rupiah
54 centoldstyle
55 figuredash
56 hypheninferior
57 onequarter
58 onehalf
59 threequarters
60 oneeighth
61 threeeighths
62 fiveeighths
63 seveneighths
64 onethird
65 twothirds
66 zerosuperior
67 onesuperior
68 twosuperior
69 threesuperior
70 foursuperior
71 fivesuperior
72 sixsuperior
73 sevensuperior
74 eightsuperior
75 ninesuperior
76 zeroinferior
77 oneinferior
78 twoinferior
79 threeinferior
80 fourinferior
81 fiveinferior
82 sixinferior
83 seveninferior
84 eightinferior
85 nineinferior
86 centinferior
87 dollarinferior
88 periodinferior
89 commainferior