Philosopher RegularVersion 2.000 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 542 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
2 CR
3 space
4 A A
5 Á Aacute 4 530
6 Ă Abreve 4 518
7 uni1EAE 4 518 514
8 uni1EB6 4 524 518
9 uni1EB0 4 518 513
10 uni1EB2 4 518 522
11 uni1EB4 4 518 520
12 Â Acircumflex 4 534
13 uni1EA4 4 516 514
14 uni1EAC 4 524 516
15 uni1EA6 4 516 513
16 uni1EA8 4 516 522
17 uni1EAA 4 516 520
18 Ä Adieresis 4 535
19 uni1EA0 4 524
20 À Agrave 4 513
21 uni1EA2 4 522
22 Å Aring
23 Ã Atilde 4 539
24 Æ AE
25 B B
26 C C
27 Ç Ccedilla
28 D D
29 Ð Eth
30 Đ Dcroat 29
31 E E
32 É Eacute 31 530
33 Ê Ecircumflex 31 534
34 uni1EBE 31 516 514
35 uni1EC6 31 524 516
36 uni1EC0 31 516 513
37 uni1EC2 31 516 522
38 uni1EC4 31 516 520
39 Ë Edieresis 31 535
40 uni1EB8 31 524
41 È Egrave 31 513
42 uni1EBA 31 522
43 uni1EBC 31 520
44 F F
45 G G
46 Ğ Gbreve 45 528
47 H H
48 I I
49 Í Iacute 48 530
50 Î Icircumflex 48 534
51 Ï Idieresis
52 İ Idot
53 uni1ECA 48 524
54 Ì Igrave 48 513
55 uni1EC8 48 522
56 Ĩ Itilde 48 520
57 J J
58 K K
59 L L
60 M M
61 N N
62 Ñ Ntilde 61 539
63 O O
64 Ó Oacute 63 530
65 Ô Ocircumflex 63 534
66 uni1ED0 63 516 514
67 uni1ED8 63 524 516
68 uni1ED2 63 516 513
69 uni1ED4 63 516 522
70 uni1ED6 63 516 520
71 Ö Odieresis 63 535
72 uni1ECC 63 524
73 Ò Ograve 63 513
74 uni1ECE 63 522
75 Ơ Ohorn
76 uni1EDA 75 514
77 uni1EE2 75 524
78 uni1EDC 75 513
79 uni1EDE 75 522
80 uni1EE0 75 520
81 Ø Oslash
82 Õ Otilde 63 539
83 Œ OE
84 P P
85 Þ Thorn
86 Q Q
87 R R
88 S S
89 Š Scaron 88 532
90 Ş Scedilla
91 T T
92 U U
93 Ú Uacute 92 530
94 Û Ucircumflex 92 534
95 Ü Udieresis 92 535
96 uni1EE4 92 524
97 Ù Ugrave 92 513
98 uni1EE6 92 522
99 Ư Uhorn
100 uni1EE8 99 514
101 uni1EF0 99 524
102 uni1EEA 99 513
103 uni1EEC 99 522
104 uni1EEE 99 520
105 Ũ Utilde 92 520
106 V V
107 W W
108 X X
109 Y Y
110 Ý Yacute 109 530
111 Ÿ Ydieresis 109 535
112 uni1EF4 109 524
113 Ygrave 109 513
114 uni1EF6 109 522
115 uni1EF8 109 520
116 Z Z
117 Ž Zcaron 116 532
118 a a
119 á aacute 118 514
120 ă abreve 118 518
121 uni1EAF 118 518 514
122 uni1EB7 118 524 518
123 uni1EB1 118 518 513
124 uni1EB3 118 518 522
125 uni1EB5 118 518 520
126 â acircumflex 118 516
127 uni1EA5 118 516 514
128 uni1EAD 118 524 516
129 uni1EA7 118 516 513
130 uni1EA9 118 516 522
131 uni1EAB 118 516 520
132 ä adieresis 118 512
133 uni1EA1 118 524
134 à agrave 118 513
135 uni1EA3 118 522
136 å aring 118 538
137 ã atilde 118 539
138 æ ae
139 b b
140 c c
141 ç ccedilla
142 d d
143 ð eth
144 đ dmacron
145 e e
146 é eacute 145 514
147 ê ecircumflex 145 516
148 ế uni1EBF 145 516 514
149 uni1EC7 145 524 516
150 uni1EC1 145 516 513
151 uni1EC3 145 516 522
152 uni1EC5 145 516 520
153 ë edieresis 145 512
154 uni1EB9 145 524
155 è egrave 145 513
156 uni1EBB 145 522
157 uni1EBD 145 520
158 f f
159 g g
160 ğ gbreve 159 528
161 h h
162 i i
163 ı dotlessi
164 í iacute 163 514
165 î icircumflex 163 516
166 ï idieresis
167 uni1ECB 162 524
168 ì igrave 163 513
169 uni1EC9 163 522
170 ĩ itilde 163 520
171 j j
172 k k
173 l l
174 m m
175 n n
176 ñ ntilde 175 539
177 o o
178 ó oacute 177 514
179 ô ocircumflex 177 516
180 uni1ED1 177 516 514
181 uni1ED9 177 524 516
182 uni1ED3 177 516 513
183 uni1ED5 177 516 522
184 uni1ED7 177 516 520
185 ö odieresis 177 512
186 uni1ECD 177 524
187 ò ograve 177 513
188 uni1ECF 177 522
189 ơ ohorn
190 uni1EDB 189 514
191 uni1EE3 189 524
192 uni1EDD 189 513
193 uni1EDF 189 522
194 uni1EE1 189 520
195 ø oslash
196 õ otilde 177 539
197 œ oe
198 p p
199 þ thorn