Psaltyr1.0 Thu Sep 08 10:29:39 1994 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 114 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 space
4 ' quotesingle
5 ( parenleft
6 ) parenright
7 , comma
8 - hyphen
9 . period
10 0 zero
11 1 one
12 2 two
13 3 three
14 4 four
15 : colon
16 ; semicolon
17 = equal
18 ? question
19 @ at
20 A A
21 B B
22 C C
23 D D
24 F F
25 G G
26 H H
27 I I
28 K K
29 L L
30 O O
31 P P
32 S S
33 T T
34 V V
35 W W
36 [ bracketleft
37 \ backslash
38 ] bracketright
39 ` grave
40 a a
41 f f
42 i i
43 k k
44 p p
45 t t
46 v v
47 w w
48 | bar
49   nbspace
50 À Agrave
51 Á Aacute
52 Â Acircumflex
53 Ã Atilde
54 Ä Adieresis
55 Å Aring
56 Æ AE
57 Ç Ccedilla
58 È Egrave
59 É Eacute
60 Ê Ecircumflex
61 Ë Edieresis
62 Ì Igrave
63 Í Iacute
64 Î Icircumflex
65 Ï Idieresis
66 Ð Eth
67 Ñ Ntilde
68 Ò Ograve
69 Ó Oacute
70 Ô Ocircumflex
71 Õ Otilde
72 Ö Odieresis
73 × multiply
74 Ø Oslash
75 Ù Ugrave
76 Ú Uacute
77 Û Ucircumflex
78 Ü Udieresis
79 Ý Yacute
80 Þ Thorn
81 ß germandbls
82 à agrave
83 á aacute
84 â acircumflex
85 ã atilde
86 ä adieresis
87 å aring
88 æ ae
89 ç ccedilla
90 è egrave
91 é eacute
92 ê ecircumflex
93 ë edieresis
94 ì igrave
95 í iacute
96 î icircumflex
97 ï idieresis
98 ð eth
99 ñ ntilde
100 ò ograve
101 ó oacute
102 ô ocircumflex
103 õ otilde
104 ö odieresis
105 ÷ divide
106 ø oslash
107 ù ugrave
108 ú uacute
109 û ucircumflex
110 ü udieresis
111 ý yacute
112 þ thorn
113 ÿ ydieresis