TT Marxiana Trial AntiquaVersion 1.100.16022021 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 633 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null 6
2 CR 6
3 space 6
4   uni00A0 6
5 · periodcentered 6
6 . period
7 ellipsis 6 6 6
8 , comma
9 : colon 6 6
10 ; semicolon 6 8
11 ! exclam
12 ¡ exclamdown
13 ? question
14 ¿ questiondown
15 * asterisk
16 uni2042 15 15 15
17 dagger
18 daggerdbl
19 ' quotesingle
20 " quotedbl 19 19
21 quotesinglbase 8
22 quotedblbase
23 quoteleft
24 quoteright
25 quotedblleft 23 23
26 quotedblright
27 guilsinglleft
28 guilsinglright
29 « guillemotleft
30 » guillemotright
31 bullet
32 - hyphen
33 ­ uni00AD 32
34 endash
35 emdash
36 endash.alt
37 emdash.alt
38 _ underscore
39 ( parenleft
40 ) parenright
41 [ bracketleft
42 ] bracketright
43 { braceleft
44 } braceright
45 | bar
46 ¦ brokenbar
47 / slash
48 \ backslash
49 # numbersign
50 uni2116
51 & ampersand
52 § section
53 paragraph
54 © copyright
55 ® registered
56 trademark
57 @ at
58 A A
59 B B
60 C C
61 D D
62 E E
63 F F
64 G G
65 H H
66 I I
67 J J
68 K K
69 L L
70 M M
71 N N
72 O O
73 P P
74 Q Q
75 R R
76 S S
77 T T
78 U U
79 V V
80 W W
81 X X
82 Y Y
83 Z Z
84 a a
85 b b
86 c c
87 d d
88 e e
89 f f
90 g g
91 h h
92 i i
93 j j
94 k k
95 l l
96 m m
97 n n
98 o o
99 p p
100 q q
101 r r
102 s s
103 t t
104 u u
105 v v
106 w w
107 x x
108 y y
109 z z
110 А uni0410 58
111 Б uni0411
112 В uni0412 59
113 Г uni0413
114 Д uni0414
115 Е uni0415 62
116 Ж uni0416
117 З uni0417
118 И uni0418
119 Й uni0419 118 540
120 К uni041A
121 Л uni041B
122 М uni041C 70
123 Н uni041D 65
124 О uni041E 72
125 П uni041F
126 Р uni0420 73
127 С uni0421 60
128 Т uni0422 77
129 У uni0423
130 Ф uni0424
131 Х uni0425 81
132 Ц uni0426
133 Ч uni0427
134 Ш uni0428
135 Щ uni0429
136 Ъ uni042A
137 Ы uni042B
138 Ь uni042C
139 Э uni042D
140 Ю uni042E
141 Я uni042F
142 а uni0430 84
143 б uni0431
144 в uni0432
145 г uni0433
146 д uni0434
147 е uni0435 88
148 ж uni0436
149 з uni0437
150 и uni0438
151 й uni0439 150 541
152 к uni043A
153 л uni043B
154 м uni043C
155 н uni043D
156 о uni043E 98
157 п uni043F
158 р uni0440 99
159 с uni0441 86
160 т uni0442
161 у uni0443 108
162 ф uni0444
163 х uni0445 107
164 ц uni0446
165 ч uni0447
166 ш uni0448
167 щ uni0449
168 ъ uni044A
169 ы uni044B
170 ь uni044C
171 э uni044D
172 ю uni044E
173 я uni044F
174 Ђ uni0402
175 Ћ uni040B
176 Љ uni0409
177 Њ uni040A
178 Џ uni040F
179 Ґ uni0490
180 Є uni0404
181 Ј uni0408 67
182 Ѕ uni0405 76
183 І uni0406 66
184 Ѓ uni0403 113 535
185 Ќ uni040C 120 535
186 Ў uni040E 129 540
187 Ї uni0407 66 532
188 Ё uni0401 62 532
189 Ѣ uni0462
190 Ѳ uni0472
191 Ѵ uni0474
192 ђ uni0452
193 ћ uni045B
194 љ uni0459
195 њ uni045A
196 џ uni045F
197 ґ uni0491
198 є uni0454
199 ј uni0458 285 533