WebdingsVersion 5.00x Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 227 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .notdef
2 .notdef
3 space
4 spider
5 web
6 nopiracy
7 cool
8 trophy
9 award
10 links
11 talkleft
12 talkright
13 new
14 updated
15 hot
16 ribbon
17 checkerboard
18 slash
19 UIminimize
20 UImaximize
21 UItile
22 UIback
23 UIforward
24 UIup
25 UIdown
26 UIreverse
27 UIfastforward
28 UIbegin
29 UIend
30 UIpause
31 UIstop
32 UIrecord
33 fontsize
34 vote
35 tools
36 underconstruction
37 town
38 city
39 derelictsite
40 desert
41 factory
42 publicbuilding
43 home
44 beach
45 island
46 motorway
47 search
48 mountain
49 sight
50 hearing
51 park
52 camping
53 railroad
54 stadium
55 ship
56 soundon
57 soundoff
58 soundleft
59 soundright
60 favorite
61 occasion
62 thoughtleft
63 backslash
64 thoughtright
65 chat
66 conference
67 loop
68 UIcheck
69 bicycle
70 boxopen
71 sheild
72 package
73 fire
74 boxsolid
75 medical
76 information
77 planesmall
78 satellite
79 navigate
80 jump
81 circlesolid
82 boat
83 police
84 UIrefresh
85 UIclose
86 UIhelp
87 train
88 metro
89 bus
90 flag
91 not
92 noentry
93 nosmoking
94 shoutleft
95 bar
96 shoutright
97 lightningbolt
98 man
99 woman
100 boy
101 girl
102 baby
103 scifi
104 health
105 skier
106 hobby
107 golfer
108 pool
109 surf
110 motorcycle
111 racecar
112 auto
113 finance
114 commodities
115 money
116 price
117 creditcard
118 ratingfamily
119 ratingviolence
120 ratingsex
121 ratinglanguage
122 ratingquality
123 email
124 send
125 mail
126 write
127 inbox
128 outbox
129 textdoc
130 textgraphicdoc
131 graphicdoc
132 frames
133 noframes
134 clipboard
135 note
136 calender
137 book
138 reference
139 news
140 classified
141 archive
142 index
143 art
144 theatre
145 music
146 MIDI
147 microphone
148 headphones
150 filmclip
151 pointofinterest
152 ticket
153 film
154 movies
155 video
156 stereo
157 radio
158 levelcontrol
159 audiocontrol
160 television
161 computers1
162 computers2
163 computers3
164 computers4
165 joystick
166 gamepad
167 phone
168 fax
169 pager
170 cellularphone
171 modem
172 printer
173 calculator
174 folder
175 disk
176 compression
177 locked
178 unlocked
179 encryption
180 clock
181 ovalshape
182 sunny
183 mostlysunny
184 mostlycloudy
185 showers
186 cloudy
187 snow
188 rain
189 investigate
190 lightning
191 twister
192 wind
193 fog
194 moon
195 temperature
196 lifestyles
197 guestrooms
198 dining
199 lounge