AmaliaVersion 1.00;January 22, 2017;FontCreator 64-bit Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 322 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 B.salt
1 C.salt
2 D.salt
3 E.salt
4 G.salt
5 H.salt
6 K.salt
7 M.salt
8 N.salt
9 R.salt
10 S.salt
11 U.salt
12 Y.salt
13 a.salt
14 b.salt
15 c.salt
16 d.salt
17 e.salt
18 f.salt
19 g.salt
20 h.salt
21 i.salt
22 j.salt
23 k.salt
24 l.salt
25 o.salt
26 r.salt
27 s.salt
28 t.salt
29 u.salt
30 y.salt
31 z.salt
32 a.ss01
33 d.ss01
34 h.ss01
35 l.ss01
36 m.ss01
37 n.ss01
38 r.ss01
39 u.ss01
40 t.ss01
41 a.ss02
42 b.ss02
43 c.ss02
44 d.ss02
45 e.ss02
46 f.ss02
47 g.ss02
48 h.ss02
49 i.ss02
50 j.ss02
51 k.ss02
52 l.ss02
53 m.ss02
54 n.ss02
55 o.ss02
56 p.ss02
57 q.ss02
58 r.ss02
59 s.ss02
60 t.ss02
61 u.ss02
62 v.ss02
63 w.ss02
64 x.ss02
65 y.ss02
66 z.ss02
67 an.dilligature
68 en.dilligature
69 in.dilligature
70 on.dilligature
71 un.dilligature
72 am.dilligature
73 em.dilligature
74 im.dilligature
75 om.dilligature
76 um.dilligature
77 an.stdligature
78 en.stdligature
79 in.stdligature
80 un.stdligature
81 on.stdligature
82 am.stdligature
83 em.stdligature
84 im.stdligature
85 om.stdligature
86 um.stdligature
87 th.stdligature
88 .notdef
89  .null
90 CR
91   space
92 ! exclam
93 " quotedbl
94 # numbersign
95 $ dollar
96 % percent
97 & ampersand
98 ' quotesingle
99 ( parenleft
100 ) parenright
101 * asterisk
102 + plus
103 , comma
104 ­ hyphen
105 . period
106 / slash
107 0 zero
108 1 one
109 2 two
110 3 three
111 4 four
112 5 five
113 6 six
114 7 seven
115 8 eight
116 9 nine
117 : colon
118 ; semicolon
119 < less
120 = equal
121 > greater
122 ? question
123 @ at
124 A A
125 B B
126 C C
127 D D
128 E E
129 F F
130 G G
131 H H
132 I I
133 J J
134 K K
135 L L
136 M M
137 N N
138 O O
139 P P
140 Q Q
141 R R
142 S S
143 T T
144 U U
145 V V
146 W W
147 X X
148 Y Y
149 Z Z
150 [ bracketleft
151 \ backslash
152 ] bracketright
153 ^ asciicircum
154 _ underscore
155 ` grave
156 a a
157 b b
158 c c
159 d d
160 e e
161 f f
162 g g
163 h h
164 i i
165 j j
166 k k
167 l l
168 m m
169 n n
170 o o
171 p p
172 q q
173 r r
174 s s
175 t t
176 u u
177 v v
178 w w
179 x x
180 y y
181 z z
182 { braceleft
183 | bar
184 } braceright
185 ~ asciitilde
186 ¡ exclamdown 92
187 ¢ cent
188 £ sterling
189 ¤ currency
190 ¥ yen
191 ¦ brokenbar
192 § section
193 ¨ dieresis
194 © copyright
195 ª ordfeminine 156 154
196 « guillemotleft
197 ¬ logicalnot
198 ® registered
199 ¯ macron