Anek Malayalam MediumVersion 1.002 Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 547 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
2 uni000D
3 space
4 combininganusvaraabovesign.mlm
5 Chandrabindu.mlm
6 Anuswara.mlm
7 Visarga.mlm
8 uni0D04
9 vowelA.mlm
10 vowelAa.mlm
11 vowelI.mlm
12 vowelIi.mlm 11 85
13 vowelU.mlm
14 vowelUu.mlm 13 85
15 vowelRu.mlm
16 vowelLru.mlm
17 vowelshortE.mlm
18 vowelE.mlm
19 vowelAi.mlm 69 17
20 vowelshortO.mlm
21 vowelO.mlm 20 62
22 vowelAu.mlm 20 85
23 Ka.mlm
24 Kha.mlm
25 Ga.mlm
26 Gha.mlm
27 Nga.mlm
28 Ca.mlm
29 Cha.mlm
30 Ja.mlm
31 Jha.mlm
32 Nya.mlm
33 Tta.mlm
34 Ttha.mlm
35 Dda.mlm
36 Ddha.mlm
37 Nna.mlm
38 Ta.mlm
39 Da.mlm
40 Dha.mlm
41 Na.mlm
42 Nnna.mlm
43 Pa.mlm
44 Pha.mlm
45 Ba.mlm
46 Bha.mlm
47 Ma.mlm
48 Ya.mlm
49 Ra.mlm
50 Rra.mlm
51 La.mlm
52 Lla.mlm
53 Tha.mlm
54 Zha.mlm
55 Va.mlm
56 Sha.mlm
57 Ssa.mlm
58 Sa.mlm
59 Ha.mlm
60 Ttta.mlm
61 Praslesham.mlm
62 matraA.mlm
63 ി matraI.mlm
64 matraIi.mlm
65 matraU.mlm
66 matraUu.mlm
67 matraRu.mlm
68 matraRru.mlm
69 matrashortE.mlm
70 matraE.mlm
71 verticalbarviramasign.mlm
72 circularviramasign.mlm
73 Virama.mlm
74 dotreph.mlm
75 uni0D62
76 uni0D63
77 matraAi.mlm 69 69
78 matrashortO.mlm 69 62
79 matraO.mlm 70 62
80 matraAu.mlm 69 85
81 parasign.mlm
82 chilluM.mlm
83 chilluY.mlm
84 chilluZh.mlm
85 lengthAu.mlm
86 oneonehundredandsixtieth.mlm
87 onefortieth.mlm
88 threeeightieths.mlm
89 onetwentieth.mlm
90 onetenth.mlm
91 threetwentieths.mlm
92 onefifth.mlm
93 archaicIi.mlm
94 vowelRuu.mlm
95 vowelLruu.mlm
96 zero.mlm
97 one.mlm
98 two.mlm
99 three.mlm
100 four.mlm
101 five.mlm
102 six.mlm
103 seven.mlm
104 eight.mlm
105 nine.mlm
106 ten.mlm
107 onehundred.mlm
108 onethousand.mlm
109 onequarter.mlm
110 onehalf.mlm
111 threequarters.mlm
112 oneeighth.mlm
113 onesixteenth.mlm
114 threesixteenths.mlm
115 date.mlm
116 chilluNn.mlm
117 chilluN.mlm
118 chilluRr.mlm
119 chilluL.mlm
120 chilluLl.mlm
121 ൿ chilluK.mlm
122 KaSsa.mlm
123 KaKa.mlm
124 KaTa.mlm
125 NgaKa.mlm
126 NgaNga.mlm
127 GaDa.mlm
128 GaMa.mlm
129 GaDaDha.mlm
130 GaNa.mlm
131 JaJa.mlm
132 JaNya.mlm
133 NyaJa.mlm
134 NyaNya.mlm
135 NyaCa.mlm
136 NyaCha.mlm
137 NnaMa.mlm
138 NnaDda.mlm
139 NnaDdha.mlm
140 NnaTta.mlm
141 TaTa.mlm
142 TaSa.mlm
143 TaTha.mlm
144 TaMa.mlm
145 TaBha.mlm
146 TaNa.mlm
147 DaDha.mlm
148 NaNa.mlm
149 NaDa.mlm
150 NaTa.mlm
151 NaDha.mlm
152 NaMa.mlm 88
153 NaTha.mlm
154 MaMa.mlm
155 MaPa.mlm
156 ShaCa.mlm
157 ShaCha.mlm
158 SaTha.mlm
159 HaNa.mlm
160 HaMa.mlm 113
161 LlaLla.mlm
162 KaTta.mlm
163 KaLa.mlm
164 GaGa.mlm
165 GaLa.mlm
166 CaCa.mlm
167 CaCha.mlm
168 TtaTta.mlm
169 DdaDda.mlm
170 NnaNna.mlm
171 DaDa.mlm
172 PaPa.mlm
173 PaLa.mlm
174 BaDa.mlm
175 BaDha.mlm
176 BaBa.mlm
177 BaLa.mlm
178 PhaLa.mlm
179 MaLa.mlm
180 YaYa.mlm
181 RraRra.mlm
182 LaLa.mlm
183 VaVa.mlm
184 SsaTta.mlm
185 ShaLa.mlm
186 ShaSha.mlm
187 SaRraRra.mlm
188 SaLa.mlm
189 SaSa.mlm
190 NaRra.mlm
191 NaRraVirama.mlm
192 matraI1.mlm
193 matraI.mlm.2
194 matraIi.mlm.1
195 ViramaYa.mlm
196 ViramaYa1.mlm
197 ViramaYa2.mlm
198 ViramaRa.mlm
199 ViramaRa1.mlm