BrookmanSwash Bold Glyph Map Download
The font consists of 98 glyph variants, and here we only display the first 200 simple glyph variants.
Drag the slider to adjust the size:

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3 grave
4 one
5 two
6 three
7 four
8 five
9 six
10 seven
11 eight
12 nine
13 zero
14 hyphen
15 equal
16 q
17 w
18 e
19 r
20 t
21 y
22 u
23 i
24 o
25 p
26 bracketleft
27 bracketright
28 backslash
29 a
30 s
31 d
32 f
33 g
34 h
35 j
36 k
37 l
38 semicolon
39 quotesingle
40 z
41 x
42 c
43 v
44 b
45 n
46 m
47 comma
48 period
49 slash
50 space
51 asciitilde
52 exclam
53 at
54 numbersign
55 dollar
56 percent
57 asciicircum
58 ampersand
59 asterisk
60 parenleft
61 parenright
62 underscore
63 plus
64 Q
65 W
66 E
67 R
68 T
69 Y
70 U
71 I
72 O
73 P
74 braceleft
75 braceright
76 bar
77 A
78 S
79 D
80 F
81 G
82 H
83 J
84 K
85 L
86 colon
87 quotedbl
88 Z
89 X
90 C
91 V
92 B
93 N
94 M
95 less
96 greater
97 question